Friday, 26 August 2011

Green Giant Arbor Vita

Green Giant Arbor Vitae is a major addition to the arbor vitae family of trees for the homeowner.

Our farm, Highland Hill Farm, is located in solid clay. We therefore like plants that grow well in dense, heavy, rather impermeable, NOT well-drained soils. One of the arborvitae, the Green Giant, the Western Redcedar Tree, or botanically, the Thuja Plicata, is our favorite. Here is why:

The hardiness zone the Green Giant Arborvita tolerates is from zone 5 to zone 8. That's where extreme cold temperatures get down to a temperate level of about 15 or 20 degrees in the winter (Zone 8), but also as low as a frigid level of 15 or 20 degrees BELOW zero (zone 5). Green giants are evergreens, being cedars. Their rapid growth rates can in ideal conditions reach 3 feet per year. Site requirements for the Green Giant Arbor vita are sun to partial shade, moist well drained soil preferred (but still does well in clay), and protection from wind, at lest when young.

The Green Giant is a beautiful tree. It has an aesthetically fine form. It's conical, being narrow to broadly pyramidal, reaching from 50 feet to 80 feet in height in southeastyern Pennsylvania. The width at the base of the cone is usually about 15 feet to 20 feet. The leaves are rich green making graceful foliage.

Green Giants make a superb privacy screen. They keep their foliage color year 'round, great for brightening bleak gray winter days with snow on the ground. The cinnamon bright red bark when young turn rich russet brown with time crating a strong contrast with the needle leaves.

Green Giants' flowers, their fruit are pretty little light brown half-inch female cones. (Just so you know, Green giants are females, so its okay to call the cones pretty.) The Green Giant is also a wonderful shade tree, casting a dark, dense shade. The wood is strong too, once the tree is beyond its youth.

This is an arborvita that should outlive even your grandchildren. There are Green Giants out west documented to be over 300 years old. Just don't plant these too close to the ocean, or roads in areas where there's a lot of salt used for snow removal. If you get over 100 inches of snowfall and more per year, no roadside Arbor vita planting where salt is used, PLEASE. The greatest soldier of ancient Greece in the Trojan war had his one little weak spot, what proved to be a fatal flaw, and the "Achilles Heel" for Green Giant Arbor vitae is hypersensitivity to salt.

This arb will probably not grow out of fashion as the Bradford Pear. The simple reason is that is a durable plant choice. This is plant that will become very common in a wide range of landscape applications. People like plants that look and grow well with little care.

For more information click here

It’s Baby Shower Time!

Baby Shower invitations are sent out for, surprise, surprise, baby showers. All kidding outside, a lot of people, especially young people generate a puzzled look at the thought of an invitation to a baby shower. After all, why would everyone want to be invited to a baby shower? What's so special about getting some soap and suds and getting clean in the shower? Funnily enough, a lot of young children think that's what a baby shower is. In reality, a baby shower is a special party in which current parents or expectant parents receive a smattering of gifts for their newborn or expected child. It helps if ultra-sound has revealed the gender of the baby prior to the party. Otherwise, gifts could be mismatched to the gender. So, to be absolutely clear, it extremely closely related to a bridal shower and has nothing at all to do with washing babies. Baby showers also serve the purpose of reducing the budgetary requirements of the soon-to-be baby because other parents chip in and buy items for the baby like clothes. Some countries don't celebrate until the baby is actually born, but it has a long and rich history in the United States of occurring prior to birth. Some believe that bad luck happens to those that host pre-birth baby showers and others believe it is a strictly private affair involving just the closest group of tight-knit relatives, colleagues, and confidantes. Whatever the practices revolving around it, America has a proud history and heritage of hosting them for mothers-to-be. Plus, it's a way for the bride's friends to be introduced to the husband of the bride in an informal setting away from a lot of his male friends - at home, in a natural mode.

Baby Shower invitations sometimes include a list of the activities to be performed like baby shower bingo, birth date or sex guessing, pregnant belly girth guessing, baby food flavor guessing, diaper throw games with treats and prizes to eat out of the (clean) diapers, opening the gifts in front of all the other guests, and serving the cake or beverages. It's inadvisable, inappropriate, and downright irresponsible to bring alcohol - either in the form of champagne, beer, or even red wine. Alcohol is bad for the baby. Call it bad taste. Pun intended.

What do Baby Shower invitations look like and describe?

Baby Shower invitations give the name of the person to be honored, name of the occasion, and the day, date, time, location, and hosts' names. Sometimes, it's hosted by grandma, the husband, or a close friend.

Baby Showers can be a special time for moms to share tips, gifts, prospects for their children-to-be, and laughs too!

Jeff Fain is an author for Dependable Printing. Please visit Dependable Printing for a great selection of wedding invitations, contemporary wedding invitations, baby shower invitations, party invitations, and much more.

The 8 Habits of Highly Miserable and Unhealthy People

"If you can't be a good example then you'll just have to be a terrible warning." - Catherine Aird

Don't you just love that quote? I thought I'd start off this article by making you laugh as laughter is still the best medicine.
I'm also certain that many of you when growing up heard the following phrase from one or both of your parents: "Do as I say, not as I do," right? I know I did and I believe it was a way for my mother to try and get me to not copy any of her bad habits or behaviors as she wanted a better life for me.

In this week's article, I want to pass along 8 ‘Don'ts" for you concerning managing your weight and overall health and well-being. 7 of these "Don'ts" came from Dr. Mitra Ray whom I heard speak at a International Juice Plus® Nutritional Conference with my added comments after the initial step. I can guarantee that if you follow them, you'll definitely end up being a very miserable unhealthy person!

1. Do not take tips from healthy people. If a healthy person tries to tell you about how they've gotten to be so healthy, do not take any advice from them. I mean, seriously, what do they know? They're only living their life full of zest and vitality which is something you can't possible want… or is it?
2. Do not move around very much. Sit on your butt as much as you can. Heaven forbid you use the stairs to reach your office. That's why they invented elevators and escalators for, right? And definitely don't walk to the corner store for a loaf of bread. Burn a half-gallon of gas, pollute the air and get zero exercise and take your car.
3. Do not drink any water. Stick to coffee, soda, and alcohol. Do not let precious water touch your lips and rehydrate your system. It doesn't matter that the human body is made up of over 60% water and that it's a vital ingredient to keeping your skin clear, brain sharp and your organs functioning properly. You can always get a few spare brain cells at your local convenience store when you've driven there to get your bread, right?
4. Do not sleep much and, of course, do not participate in any meditation, yoga, or self-hypnosis. Sleep is highly overrated, isn't it. I mean, seriously, if you can't function on 4 hours of zzz's and 8 large cups of coffee the next morning, then there's something wrong with you! Plus everyone knows that there's no truth to the rumor that practicing meditation or taking a yoga class can reduce high blood pressure and release stress from your over-taxed body. And that self-hypnosis thing? Yeah, right. It ‘might' work for some people who use it as a highly effective tool to lose weight or break a bad habit, but hey, you're not ‘some' people. You're special!

5. Do not take any time out for yourself - just burn yourself out as fast as you can. Hey, you only have 24 hours in a day so you might as well fill them up with as much activity as you can. Forget sleep - that's for those weak people who like to be clear-headed in the morning. Plus you have to work 10 hours a day; make sure your house is spotless in case someone drops by unannounced; throw dinner on the table at 6:00 pm; run Jane to soccer practice and drop Johnny off at hockey; oh, and there's 4 loads of laundry that need to be done before you go to bed, and… the list goes on. Make sure you cram as many things on your ‘To Do' list for one day and then try to get them all done in 24 hours. Good luck with that!
6. Keep all expensive bad habits such as alcohol use, cigarette use, and illegal drug use. Hey, you don't want to live much past 60 anyway, right? Or maybe you're in a race to see if you can kick the bucket before you're 50? Keep chugging down those martinis's and cases of beer like they were water (see # 3 on that substance!). While you're at it, make certain that you smoke at least a pack of unfiltered cigarettes a day - great stuff for your lungs. And if you're into illegal drugs to numb your system, way to go. If I were you I'd call my local funeral parlor and tell them you'll be seeing them really soon.
7. Do not eat fruits and vegetables. Hey, this step is way too easy. Just fill your plate with a mound of greasy food and ignore anything that contains natural vitamins and nutrients. And as far as snacks go, just grab a bag of potato chips or 4 or 5 cookies and you're all set. I'd definitely drop this one as it just makes too much sense.
8. Be critical of everybody who is trying to improve their life in any way. Pfft… who do they think they are anyway? Imagine! Cutting back on fats and red meat consumption… eating vegetables 3 times a day… and drinking a few extra glasses of water per day. Oh, and get this: they actually are meditating twice a day AND they're using self-hypnosis plus positive affirmation CDs to keep them motivated and on track! Ha! So, they'll live longer and they claim to feel better as well - big deal. Who wants to be like them anyhow? Nah, not me.
Or do I?
Food for thought.

For more information click here

Hidden Cholesterol in "Healthy" Foods

With more women growing concerned about their overall health, this often means taking steps to watch and limit their cholesterol intake, which when not lowered, can set them up for a variety of disease conditions.

Cholesterol is one part of the diet that can sneak in quite easily as it's not usually visible to the naked eye. While you can clearly see a thick chunk of fat on the side of your steak, in other foods it's not this obvious so learning the worst cholesterol offenders in the diet is time very well spent.

Here are the top cholesterol-rich foods that you need to work at avoiding.

Baked Goods

Typically the worst offenders on the baked goods food list will be cookies, sponge cakes, cream puffs, and other cream or custard filled donuts. These all contain around 100 mg of cholesterol each and often you'll eat more than just a single serving in a sitting.

Other baked goods can also be quite high in cholesterol depending on how they are made, so your best bet is to avoid these altogether. Not only are they going to be high in cholesterol, but they are also going to be quite high in calories as well, so that alone, even if they were lower in cholesterol, should be a good reason to avoid them.

Fish and Fish Products

While fish is typically thought to be one of the healthier protein sources, this isn't always 100% true. If you choose the wrong type of fish, rather than getting a nice lean source of protein, you're getting protein that's filled with heart disease-promoting cholesterol.

Mollusc or squid are the worst offenders here, coming in at over 500 mg of cholesterol per serving. Shrimp also pack a cholesterol punch, as do crayfish, lobster, and crab.

Your best bet is to stick with white fish such as cod, salmon, tilapia, or perch. They will still contain some cholesterol, but it will be much less.


Poultry is another meat that is thought to be leaner but again, if you aren't watching the type you're taking in, you could be getting much more cholesterol than you bargained for.

The highest cholesterol containing poultry foods include chicken, goose, and duck liver, so stay away from those.

After that, the other ones to watch for are the giblets of poultry. If you typically consume breasts or thigh on the other hand, then you should be okay as long as you take the time to cut off any visible skin or fat.

Dairy Foods

Dairy foods are probably the most common that has been linked to high cholesterol levels and for good reason. Egg yolks will be your worst offenders, which you may have already suspected.

After eggs, then you also need to concern yourself with full fat milk or cheese, as they contain very high amounts of saturated fat which can also raise cholesterol levels.

Provided you do make the effort to consume skim or 1% milk and cheese, you should have no problem consuming dairy products on a cholesterol-lowering diet in effort to get in your needed protein and calcium. Processed Meats Another important group of foods to watch out for you in your quest to lower the cholesterol in your diet are processed meats.

Of particular importance is any type of pate, which tops the list for cholesterol. Also beware of sausage, ham, pastrami, cured beef, and other processed sandwich meats.

Always double check that you read the label before purchasing these, as you will help safeguard yourself from purchasing one that contains an overabundance of cholesterol.

So be sure you keep these points in mind. You don't necessarily have to avoid cholesterol if you are currently healthy, but you should always be watching to be sure you're maintaining the right cholesterol profile (good versus bad).

The more often you can consume polyunsaturated and unsaturated fats in your diet, the better chances you'll have of tilting the scales in your favour, so be sure you start making a conscious effort to pay more attention to where the fat in your diet is coming from.


Vianesa Vargas of Take Care Project Inc brings wellness products to help busy moms to be their very best. Find informative exercise/nutrition tips and articles on a wide range of topics for mom on Vianesa's Transforming the Balanced Mom Blog and Drop by Facebook to see the weekly Q&A call schedule. Don't forget to sign up for the Take Care newsletter - filled with information moms won't see anywhere else.

Innovative shrink wrap film solutions provided by leading packaging company

MINIPACK-TORRE is a company leading the way in the very latest cutting edge patented packaging machines, with more than 30 years experience and operating on a global scale. With innovations covering the shrink wrap, vacuum and stretch sectors, this company has designed its products for use in a huge variety of business categories. Not only have MINIPACK-TORRE teamed with the worlds leading shrink film manufacturers (CRYOVAC) but they also revolutionised the shrink wrapping industry with the production of the chamber machine.

MINIPACK-TORRE excels beyond its nearest competitors by providing its customers with "The Difference". This includes providing Risk Assessment documentation with every machine, energy saving solutions, saving £250 per year and a 3-year guarantee on every product. Staff are fully qualified with years of experience, and the after care support is unrivalled, being designed for total customer satisfaction. Prices are highly competitive, direct to the user, meaning MINIPACK-TORRE will provide the ìbest whole of life priceî.

The food industry is amongst both the largest and most demanding of any other sector. However, MINIPACK-TORRE maintain and set their exceeding standards by producing both new and highly innovative machinery to cover even the most rigorous requirements. Stretch and clarity are two important aspects in the packaging of food, and working with the leading manufacturers in shrink wrapping ensures that these aspects can be produced and modified to suit a huge variety of food stuffs.
The capabilities of shrink wrap extend to the industrial sector, providing a highly effective and reliable service for a host of purposes. Whether it is a gift hamper or picture frame, shrink wrapping offers a robust and long lasting service in both transit and display.

The printing and retail industries perhaps are amongst those that will benefit most from shrink wrapping. With an in house chamber machine and shrink wrap film , it is possible to maintain pack integrity and security regardless of the shape or size. This also presents the opportunity to change promotional codes and discounts of packaging on a weekly basis. This gives you, the customer, heightened control over the way you wish to operate your business.

So if you are part of the vast and expanding packaging industry, and require only the most sophisticated and unique style of packaging there should be only one website in the forefront of your mind,

For further information visit

Beyond Reasonable Doubt and Habit: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

There is nothing wrong if you believe that wearing your favorite lucky dress on the day of your job interview will give you the confidence that you need to make a good impression. The same is true when your mother always checks the flat iron or oven before leaving for work. Many of us have little superstitions and rituals that help us to become productive and produce positive results. However, when these 'rituals' are taken to extremes and begin to affect normal daily function, it becomes a problem.
When you start feeling that something will really go wrong simply because you are not wearing your favorite lucky shirt; and that you feel you have to wear it to prevent something from going wrong --- you may already be obsessed with that shirt. When your mother has to return home even if she's already outside the door just to check if the flat iron was unplugged when she already did that three times before --- she, too, could be suffering from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, or OCD.

OCD is a mental health condition that creates a strong sense of uncertainty, doubt, anxiety, or fear in a person's mind and triggers rituals like re-checking and re-doing. Although sometimes, everyone may feel anxious, fearful, or worried, these normal emotions and reactions help people protect themselves, stay safe, and solve problems. These feelings usually don't last long and don't come too often. In the case of people with obsessive-compulsive disorder, these feelings are taken to extremes as if the brain does not recognize what's dangerous from what's not. There is a constant and lingering stream of fear, doubt or anxiety in the person's mind, instead of keeping normal worry under control.
OCD is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts, known as obsessions, and repetitive behaviors, also called compulsions or 'rituals'. People with OCD are pre-occupied with persistent thoughts that bring fear or worry about something that might happen. These negative thoughts and images are usually hard to shake off. They have strong urges to perform these rituals or repetitive behaviors such as handwashing, counting, checking, or cleaning with the hope of preventing or getting rid of obsessive negative thoughts. The obsessions and compulsions are sometimes related to each other. A person who worries (obsession) about germs and about getting sick could have the urges (compulsions) to wash hands or clean things often and repeatedly. They are too cautious to touch anything due to fear of germs.
There are times when the compulsions or the 'rituals' doesn't have anything to do with the obsessions or fear. For example, if things on the desk are not arranged properly, something bad will happen to a loved one. the oddity of the rituals and fear are so obvious that many people try to keep their OCD to themselves. When people with OCD perform a compulsion or 'ritual', they feel a sense of relief. Unfortunately, performing these so-called 'rituals' only provides temporary relief, but significantly increases the anxiety or the obsession. Resisting compulsion can be extremely difficult.

Although doctors and scientists still don't know the real cause of OCD, recent research has shown that OCD is related to levels of a normal chemical in the brain called serotonin. When the proper flow of serotonin is blocked, the brain's "alarm system" overreacts and misinterprets information. Instead of the brain filtering out these unnecessary thoughts, the mind dwells on them and irrational fear and doubt is experienced by the person.

There is a strong evidence that OCD can be hereditary. Most people with OCD have one or more family members having anxiety disorders influenced by the brain's serotonin levels. For this reason, scientists have come to believe that the tendency or predisposition for a person to develop the serotonin imbalance that causes OCD can be inherited through a person's genes. However, having the genetic tendency doesn't mean people will develop OCD right away. It only means that chances are greater that they might. An imbalance of serotonin levels can also result in other types of anxiety or depression. Like any other illness, having OCD is not a person's fault. The good news is, it can be treated with the help from a Psychologist or Psychiatrist. There is nothing to be embarrassed about getting therapy treatments and counseling from a psychologist or psychiatrist. A type of talk therapy called cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) offers specific methods, called exposure and ritual (or response) prevention that helps people to learn to use the power of their own behavior to change their thoughts and feelings for the better. CBT actually helps "reset" the brain's mechanisms that trigger obsessions and compulsions. It may seem hard to stop doing rituals at first but eventually,people will begin to feel safe and stronger about dealing with their obsessions and compulsions.

To read about smoking and breastfeeding and breast implants gone wrong, visit the Breast Discomfort site.

Eat Apples, Yummy and Healthy - Apples Nutrition Facts

Most people have heard the phrase "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." However, few people know just how nutritionally valuable apples are. To understand the real importance of eating an apple, it is important to look at which nutritional components make up this popular fruit.

First of all, apples are wonderful for hydration. They are made up of approximately 83% water. The average small apple has only 60 calories. However, larger fruits can have up to 100 calories per piece. An apple is also fat free and has no sodium. Apples have virtually zero protein, but they do consist of a lot of carbohydrates. In fact, roughly 15 percent of an apple consists of carbohydrates from sugar and fiber. An apple can have 13 to 15 grams of sugar, which may seem like a lot. However, it is important to remember that this is natural, unprocessed sugar that will not cause the same blood sugar elevations as refined white sugar can.

Fiber is perhaps the most important nutrient that apples provide. In a small apple alone, there are normally 3 to 5 grams of fiber. However, most of the fiber is located in the fruit's skin. So, peeling an apple will remove most of this very important nutrient. Remember, fiber fills you up. This, in addition to an apple's high water content makes it a filling snack and great for anyone on a diet. An apple's skin also has plenty of quercetin. Quercetin is a type of antioxidant that has been shown to have brain boosting benefits by protecting cells from harm.

In addition to fiber, apples are loaded with antioxidants that are associated with lowering bad cholesterol levels. Apples also contain flavonoids and phytochemicals that may help protect organs like the lungs and colon. They are also a good source of boron, which is associated with improved bone density and a stronger heart. Apples also protect the heart by their high folic acid content.

While the saying goes that doctors prescribe apples for good health, dentists also promote eating apples as a method of preventing tooth decay. For one thing, apples have nutrients known as tannins that can protect against plaque and gum disease. Also, the act of eating a water-rich, solid fruit can help clean away bacteria from teeth. This is because chewing an apple helps stimulate the production of saliva. Saliva kills bacteria and helps prevent tooth decay.

Ultimately, apples are one of the best foods a person can eat. They are sweet, crunchy, delicious, and, of course, extremely healthy. Their nutrition facts are quite impressive, and apples should be a part of any healthy diet.


Robert Harden, fitness coach at Extremely-Fit, invites you to visit for more fitness and nutritional articles, like this one. For a great nutrition and workout plan, try Chalean Extreme.

Low-cost Home-based Business Marketing Options

With all of the online business competition, those with home-based internet businesses are often looking for low-cost effective methods of marketing and promoting their online businesses. Home-based internet business owners with creativity and a strong desire to make their business work can achieve the success they desire through low-cost online marketing.

Low-cost marketing options are numerous, and there are also many free
marketing options for home-based business owners. Besides being affordable,these marketing options are easy for home-based business owners to implement.Any home-based business owner with the desire to profit can use the following low-cost or free marketing methods to gain the exposure they need in order to run a successful online business.

One low-cost option of marketing home-based businesses is through link exchange programs. There are a number of websites designed to help home-based business owners by offering low-cost link exchange services. These low-cost services allow home-based business owners as well as others with websites to exchange links with other members. This type of low-cost partnering program is an effective affordable way for home-based businesses to gain much needed
website traffic. Increased website traffic means higher search engine rankings and the potential for increased revenue.

Home-based business owners wanting low-cost marketing options should also consider directly exchanging website links and banners with like-minded online businesses. Online business relationships with other internet business owners can bring more traffic and therefore bring in more revenue. Potential customers will be exposed to links and banner ads of partnering websites, and each will have much to gain with very little expenditure.

Websites would have nothing to gain by posting links and banner ads towebsites offering the same products and services. Internet business owners should exchange links and banner ads with online retailers and businesses that will heighten their commercial enterprise. For instance, an internet business owner offering web design service could benefit greatly by exchanging links with internet businesses offering textual content. Consider contacting website owners directly to begin beneficial link exchange relationships. This marketing option is free and easy for home-based business owners seeking low-cost marketing options.

Another low-cost and often free option for marketing a home-based business involves the use of message boards. Message boards are becoming increasingly popular, and running a message board centered around an interesting business topic is a great way to bring more website traffic and customers.

Message boards aren't as time consuming as one may think. Moderators often volunteer their time to keep things running smoothly. Home-based business owners can take advantage of the ability to post their own marketing links and online business information while letting the board basically operate itself. This low-cost method of marketing has proven effective for numerous home-based business owners, and with ingenuity and perseverance, this low-cost marketing
option can work for you too.

About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:

For more information click here

GPT Tips: Tips on Using GPT Offers for Serious Money

Using GPT offers is a great way to go for people looking to put some quick cash in their pocket. It is quick and it is easy, but there are a few important tips and tricks that you will want to know in order to make sure your GPT Offers credit, earning you the money you deserve. Heed the following GPT tips, and you are sure to make a killing using GPT sites.

Using GPT offers provides a means by which stay at home moms, college students and everyone else can earn some serious money from home. Still, there are a few important tips you will want to follow as you get started. Follow these GPT tips to help ensure you make the kind of money you deserve using GPT sitesGPT sites.

1) Create an email address (yahoo, hotmail, etc.). This will be the email address to submit while using GPT offers.
2) Remember, only one account per household.
3) Personal tip: Avoid doing cell phone or ringtone GPT offers. They simply are not worth it.
4) Never complete the same GPT offer more than once. Never. Your account can be canceled.
5) Do not race through any offers you do. Make sure they are done correctly.
6) After you complete an offer, try to leave the browser for a few minutes. This can sometimes help to insure that the offer credits and that you are paid.
7) Always make sure to clear your cookies after every offer you complete. I actually like to do this as well before each offer. It only takes all of about 4 seconds to do.
8) If you decide to do the paid offers (a good idea as they will pay you more, 10 even 20 times more) I always suggest getting a prepaid credit card from somewhere like Walmart. It is safer than using your own credit card, and this way you can avoid the hassle of trying to cancel a charge that shouldn't be there. That scenario is rare, but better safe than sorry.

Following these simple tips while using GPT offers will help insure you accomplish your goal. From here you will want to complete as many offers as you possibly can, and then work on getting referrals, to add to the massive amount of residual income that you can earn.

To totally dominate GPT sites, visit

What evidence is there that poor air conditioning maintenance can lead to sick building syndrome?

Medical professionals are acquiring a significant amount of evidence to demonstrate that the quality of air found inside a building impacts the health of the occupants.

Indoor air is increasingly important because populations now spend a substantial fraction of time within buildings. In offices and factories as well as residences, retirement homes and day-care centres, indoor air quality affects people of all backgrounds, and especially those who are particularly vulnerable through their state of health or age. From a population health professional?s perspective, the management of indoor air quality is an important part of the overall picture.

High levels of relative humidity inside a building can result in the emergence of mould and mites. Furthermore, micro-bacterial contamination can result from many hundreds of species of bacteria that can multiply indoors when there is sufficient moisture available. Exposure to microbial contaminants is now well understood to be associated with respiratory symptoms, asthma and immunological reactions as well as allergies.

The role of Ventilation in a Building

Ventilation is intended to remove or dilute pollutants and to control the temperature and humidity in buildings. The level of ventilation needs to be sufficient either to remove The pollutants and humidity generated indoors or to dilute their concentrations to acceptable levels for the health and comfort of the occupants. A number of studies, e.g. [1] have shown an association between ventilation and health, although the precise relationship differs by study.

Ventilation can be achieved with a variety of natural and mechanical methods. Whilst, proper ventilation does indeed generally deliver health improvements, ventilation can also have adverse effects if not properly designed, maintained and Managed. It is possible for ventilation to allow the inflow of harmful substances that degrade the indoor air quality.

Ventilation particularly affects air and moisture flow through the building and poor ventilation may also result in moisture problems that degrade the structure. Ventilation changes pressure differences across a building and may cause or prevent the infiltration of pollutants from building structures or adjacent spaces.

In non-residential buildings (and also in hot climates), ventilation is often combined with air-conditioning, which further complicates the operation of these systems.

The addition of humidifiers to ventilation systems or as stand-alone units, can introduce a high humidity or micro-organisms that grow on components in humid locations, such as drip pans in air-conditioning units or humidifiers, as well as chemicals used for water treatment.

A number of studies show that the onset of symptoms of sick-building syndrome can be linked to the nature of the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system [2, 3]. Air-conditioning is commonly associated with a measurable increase in the frequency of one or more sick-building syndrome symptoms in office buildings when compared to similar buildings with natural ventilation.

There is now a significant body of evidence to suggest that improved hygiene, installation, operation and maintenance of air-handling systems is particularly significant in reducing the negative effects of these systems [2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].

So, what are the implications of this evidence for an employer whose employees are accommodated in an air-conditioned environment?

Simply, that with a regular programme of maintenance in place, many of the unwanted effects highlighted above, such as moisture and microbial contamination can be minimised to a level that does not impact on the occupants health. But conversely, should the air-conditioning system be neglected, then there is a potential health impact on the building occupants.


[1] Sundell J, Levin H (2007). Ventilation rates and health: report of an interdisciplinary review of the scientific literature. Final report. Atlanta, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers.

[2] Mendell MJ, Smith AH (1990). Consistent pattern of elevated symptoms in airconditioned office buildings: a reanalysis of epidemiologic studies. American Journal of Public Health, 80:1193?1199.

[3] Seppanen OA, Fisk WJ (2002). Association of ventilation system type with SBS symptoms in office workers. Indoor Air, 12:98?112.

[4] Sieber WK et al. (1996). The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health indoor environmental evaluation experience: part three ? associations between environmental factors and self-reported health conditions. Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 11:1387?1392.

[5] Seppanen O, Fisk W, Mendell M (1999). Association of ventilation rates and CO2 concentrations with health and other responses in commercial and institutional buildings. Indoor Air, 9:226?252.

[6] Mendell MJ et al. (2003). Environmental risk factors and work-related lower respiratory symptoms in 80 office buildings: an exploratory analysis of NIOSH data. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 43:630?641.

[7] Mendell MJ et al. (2006). Indicators of moisture and ventilation system contamination in US office buildings as risk factors for respiratory and mucous membrane symptoms: analyses of the EPA BASE data. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 3:225?233.

[8] Mendell MJ et al. (2008). Risk factors in heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems for occupant symptoms in US office buildings: the US EPA BASE study. Indoor Air, 18:301?316


Iain Jones works for Pro-Duct Clean Ltd a commercial air duct cleaning company. Pro-Duct Clean serve industrial customers in the UK.

Visions of Dystopia in The Giver and “The Lottery”

Lois Lowry's The Giver is only one in a huge series of classic "dystopian" literature. (Think "utopia," then think Third Reich.) What makes it stand out from novels like 1984 or Brave New World - aside from the iconic grizzled-old-man cover - is that you might have memories of reading it already in the fourth or fifth grade; in this sense, you could put The Giver in the same category as Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery," a deceptively uncomplicated dystopian short story that many of us read in junior high school. Aside from the fact that this has probably done some serious damage to your formative years, the real shame here is that these stories are often considered so "easy" to read that they don't merit revisiting in high school or college - you know, when you might actually understand them. To put these wrongs to right, let's compare both stories for some literary I'll-show-you-mine-if-you-show-me-yours.The world of The Giver centers on a strictly controlled society known as The Community. Its members live in a sort of self-imposed stasis, meaning that their population, behavior, speech, activities, and emotions are all regulated by a select group of elites known as The Elders. Just to be safe, though, humanity's collective memories - which include pre-reform experiences of things like love, lust, hate, fear, fun, pleasure, envy… hell, even color - are all stockpiled into one guy known as "The Receiver of Memory," who keeps everyone from having to make choices that could be dangerous. Let's hope he never falls down the stairs or anything. On a more cryptic note, The Community keeps healthy by "releasing" all its sick children, old geezers, and misfits to the land known as "Elsewhere." Remember when Mom told you that Socks went to a ranch where she could frolic in a field as big as the sky? Well the difference here is that when Mom said it, she wasn't the one doing the killing.On the plus side, living in The Community takes all the hassle out of job hunting, since everyone's lot in life is... well, just that: each person is allotted a certain occupation at age eleven without question or complaint. That is, until young Jonas is selected to replace the ridiculously old man currently serving as The Receiver of Memory (who's scheduled to make a little "day hike to Elsewhere" of his own); things run afoul when the transfer of the old man's memories enables Jonas to feel things like love, pain, fear, and "holy crap! - where are you sending my sick adoptive kid brother?!" Having learned that "releasing" entails nothing more than a lethal injection and a short drop into a trash chute, Jonas decides to run away with little baby Gabriel, leaving the safety of The Community to experience the freedom of independence, self-direction, nature, and, oh yeah, starvation. The story ends with a malnourished Jonas and Gabriel sledding down a hill in the snow. Or dying - the book isn't exactly clear on that. (What's with ambiguous sled endings, anyway?)At first glance, this couldn't be more different from the beginning of "The Lottery," which is set in small-town America where everything seems just average enough. We get a chance to meet the townspeople's key families, like the Hutchinsons and Summerses, as the community gathers around the post office for some kind of annual lottery drawing. The adults chit-chat, the couples bicker, and the children do children-ey things as everyone waits for the latecomers to arrive and the drawing to get started. In the meantime, we learn all about the appearance and history of the lottery box from which lots are drawn. At long last, a representative from the Hutchinson family selects a marked slip of paper from the box, indicating that his entire family is to re-draw lots amongst themselves. What we don't realize until the very end is that whichever family member receives the "winning" lot (in this case, Tess Hutchinson) is then stoned to death by the other townspeople - including her own family.What makes "The Lottery" so much creepier than The Giver - aside from the whole children stoning parents / parents stoning children thing - is that while society in The Giver seems to operate by some kind of magic, society in "The Lottery" operates by good ol' fashioned social conditioning, which we have no shortage of in the real world. Worse yet, while The Community at least pretends to be looking out for its own, the townspeople in "The Lottery" never give so much as a sorry-but-we're-super-crowded excuse as to why the drawing is held or how it ever got started; people participate voluntarily and without the need for a reason. The fact that almost a third of the story describes the tradition and procedure of the lottery emphasizes how social ritual obscures all understanding of what's really going on - for readers and lottery-goers alike. And while the particulars of this story may sound a little far-fetched, keep in mind that Jackson published this story in 1948 - just as the world was still coming to grips with the full tragedy of the Holocaust. Still seem implausible?Think "utopia," then think Third Reich.

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Right way to eat for an expectant mother

Pregnancy will brings a whole host of changes in the womanʼs body which can be quite sudden and make their appearance of somewhat older looking. In the historic days it is always advisable that a woman should eat enough for two, but this has proved to be a way off mark during the scientific studies. What is suggested is to consume extra 300 calories, though women who are habitually prone to overeating may develop other health conditions that need to be taken care of. A pregnant mother needs to be aware of the food that is most suited to her and the baby that is growing inside her.

As a healthy individual you have always been particular about your diet, but pregnancy brings with it some new requirements that you need to be aware of. The correct diet for a mother will ensure the fetus to grow properly and avoids any complications during the period of pregnancy. Below are a few nutrition guide for pregnant woman.
No to foods that contains high calories. Eat whole grain foods and make sure that any food that you eat has a high nutritive value and not a high calorie value.

To ensure that the bone growth of the fetus is maintained as it should be, and even the mother does not lose her bone density, it is necessary that a pregnant woman has in her diet at least 1500 mg of calcium per day. This is quite often never maintained in a normal diet, and hence a pregnant mother needs to sake enough calcium rich foods like tofu, salmon, green leafy vegetables and sufficient dairy products. The doctor may also suggest additional supplements.

Food that is rich in iron is a necessary part of the diet of a pregnant woman. You can get this from fish, poultry, eggs, enriched grains and leafy vegetables. This absorption of iron from the items in your diet is very slow and the doctor will definitely ask you to take iron supplements. These supplements sometimes cause constipation if the supplements are not taken along with the food. Food that is rich in Vitamin C could help to improve the absorption of iron.
A daily dose of at least 400 mg of folic acid can prevent a lot of birth defects that are common in babies. Folic acid rich foods are green leafy vegetables, beans, grains, oranges, liver and lean meat. You can also opt for folic acid supplements and medical advice is to take prenatal vitamins that have folic acid.

If you are pregnant, never try to diet fast. Skipping meals is definitely not recommended. You need to eat enough to gain the weight that your medical advisor has suggested. Make sure that you are always getting all the minerals, vitamins and other nutrients that your body needs. You should eat at regular intervals and ensure that your blood sugar levels are where they should be and do not peak and dip.
Keep yourself hydrated by drinking sufficient water. Quit smoking and say no to alcohol.

Take only those supplements that are recommended by your doctor. If you overdose on supplements, which are suggested by well meaning friends, these can cause problems for yourself and the baby. Anything that you take over and above your suggested diet must have the doctorʼs approval.

Avoid uncooked food and fish that has a mercury content that is above normal.

Follow these guidelines and you will ensure the health of the baby and yourself. This could also ensure that you do not gain unnecessary weight as this can cause problems to you and the baby

EarthWerks Flooring: A Beauty Only Mother Nature Could Create

A product of the 73-year old Texas-based Swiff-Train flooring manufacturer, Earthwerks Hardwood Flooring is known by the Hardwood Flooring industry as a leader in natural-looking hardwood floors, with woods so beautiful, only Mother Nature herself could shape them.

Woods created by EarthWerks are subtle and soft. The company's artisans favor soft touches of pigment and light distressing techniques rather than splashing the woods with bold colors and hiding the wood's natural character.

In EarthWerks Prestige Engineered Flooring collection, oak, walnut, maple, birch, hickory and Cherry Hardwood Floors are handsculpted and hand scraped at the surface, with a variety of colors and color application techniques. The techniques, such as the "bleed technique" are what truly separate this line from all other manufacturers.

With the "bleed technique," color seeps onto the outer edges of the planks. When the floor is installed, the darker outer edges make each individual plank stand out, giving the floor a very earth, "old-world" feel. Natural French Bleed Cherry Hardwood is absolutely charming, with a floor that looks to have come straight out of a 17th century French cottage.

Walnut Antique Hardwood is another hit in this collection, hand sculpted with rich shades of umber and burnt sienna. Birch Latte is another favorite, also hand scraped, with shades of russet and sepia swirled so eloquently to create a marble effect.

If the swirls are something that appeals to you, you'll also appreciate Smooth Walnut Natural, with a soft watercolor effect softly blending light to medium shades of brown. The depth of the walnut woods in this collection are truly incredible!

In EarthWerk's Durango Hardwood Floors collection, you'll see some of this marble effect as well, but with more of an American-Western vibe. The clay-colored Mesa and the coppery Sunset are favorites of that line, although people who enjoy dark wood floors will be drawn to Adobe.

All woods in both collections come in the standard five-inch wide planks with random lengths. Durango's woods are beveled on four sides, whereas Prestige's are either four-side rolled or micro beleved. Prestige offers a lifetime structural warranty with a 25-year finish, while Durango offers a 20-year finish warranty.

Does Spirulina Help You Lose Weight?

Does Spirulina Help You Lose Weight?

Our modern diet is driven by the appetites generated by consumer advertising. Many people are sold on fast convenience foods - usually rich in fats, carbohydrates and sugar, and low in natural vegetables and fiber. These foods typically increase body weight, raise cholesterol levels, and worsen digestive and colon problems in later years. We often eat food in the wrong combinations, or out of compulsion or nervousness, and do not heed our true appetite signals.

A more natural diet satisfies hunger because it satisfies the body's real hunger for nutrition. Spirulina is a very concentrated natural food. As part of a wholesome natural food diet , it can help restore natural body weight. Many people use it along with a low carbohydrate diet and exercise to eat lighter meals and avoid fattening snacks.

If you integrate spirulina into your diet, it can help in bringing your body fat back to an optimal healthy level. Taking one heap of spirulina powder (about 5 grams) or a teaspoonful of spirulina extract an hour before your meal will help satisfy most of your body's appetite. It is not much of an appetite suppressant but it offers you concentrated and easy to digest nutrition that truly fills your body's every need.

Because metabolism and biochemistry are different for each person, weight loss results may differ. Track your weight over several weeks. If you want to strengthen your program, increase the amount of spirulina slowly in order to eat lighter meals. It is important to eat regular nutritious meals.

Slow but steady weight loss is desirable. Often dieters are able to stabilize their body weight at a more ideal lower level. Spirulina can help us remember the wisdom of a natural diet. Most of all, it helps us to lighten up, and provides the energy to make the switch from a bulky unhealthy diet to lighter, more powerful nutrient rich foods.

It's not an appetite suppressant. It contains no drugs that trick the body. Yet, many people find taking a few tablets or a spirulina drink an hour before mealtime can help satisfy appetite, so they eat less. We know when we're going to be hungry, so just plan ahead. Because it's rich in iron, often deficient in women on low calorie diets, spirulina is ideal support for any diet. Best of all, it helps us to lighten up and make the switch from a bulky diet to lighter, more powerful foods.

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How To Succeed With Multilevel Marketing

Joining a MLM Marketing home biz opportunity can be one of the greatest things you can ever do. However before you join if you do not do these necessary key steps which is a foundation for success with MLM Marketing, it will be very easy for you to get lost on the path to success.

Succeeding with MLM Marketing opportunities requires time. And within this time that you spend with your MLM Marketing home biz opportunity, you will have to put in a lot of effort and learning to be able to achieve the full potential that MLM Marketing offers. MLM Marketing opportunities are no way a get rich quick scheme. If you choose to get into MLM Marketing simply because of the hype or you believe that you will get rich quick then get out quick because you will not succeed with MLM Marketing.

MLM Marketing requires people who genuinely want to help others. And this is a great key for success with MLM Marketing. When you choose to help people and you genuinely do want to help people, then more people will be attracted to you who need your help. Imagine with a MLM Marketing opportunity, you can take people who are struggling financially and help them get out of debt and get into wealth.

There are 3 key steps in creating a stable MLM Marketing business on the outset and they include:

- Having an outcome in mind
- Choosing to set goals
- Make a decision

Now let's take a look in depth at each of these important parts in achieving success with MLM Marketing. They are truly a key foundation in your long-term journey. Think of them with the analogy of going on the long journey. It is your map to take you to a destination.

The first thing that you must do before you join a MLM Marketing opportunity is to know what you want from the MLM Marketing opportunity, this is your outcome. Imagine a door in front of you, now when you open this door you see exactly what you want. Not a goal, but how you would like life to be. Think of why you want to be part of the MLM Marketing opportunity. After all, if you have everything you need then why are you choosing to join a MLM Marketing opportunity? Your outcome is the end step. So, you open the door and when you take a step into that new world. That is the end step, your outcome.

Now think of your goals. Most people think of goals as an end step; however goals are simply focused items that we want to achieve. They miss out a important part of what we really want to achieve. You may want to get rich and earn a six figure income and what would happen if you do and with that have no kind of life. So now we take our outcome, our vision and look at the parts. We take the car, the house, the spouse, etc And we set them as goals.

The last bit of this work with the foundation to create MLM Marketing success and probably the most important that will determine what will actually happen is your decision. Without deciding to do something, you can never achieve it. Deciding to succeed at MLM Marketing and consciously doing so is the beginning step of living your vision.

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Post Pregnancy Memory Loss

Post pregnancy memory loss is not an uncommon disease. It happens with many women. This can occur anytime after pregnancy, but in some cases, it also shows up in the later stages of pregnancy. The reason for this may be many, but there are also ways to fight them and return to the normal life. Some of the basic reasons for this memory loss can be lack of sleep, improper diet, birth, and lactation.

Reasons For Post Pregnancy Memory Loss

Lack of sleep is the most anticipated reason for post pregnancy memory loss, as it reduces productivity and efficiency, thereby, causing restlessness among new moms. This in turn affects the brain's memory power, causing memory loss. In order to avoid this problem, it is recommended to take small naps during the day, as it can do wonders to your memory.

Stress is another challenge that is faced by the new mom, which results in a constant attack on you brain cells, thereby, reducing memory power. To avoid stress, moms should try to relax by watching TV, exercising, or doing yoga. Walking is considered to the best stress buster, in addition to meditation that can do wonders to your body as well as brain.

Improper diet during or post pregnancy life is a major cause of post pregnancy memory loss. Insufficient amount of vital nutrients like Zinc, Vitamin B12, Iron, and folic acid can adversely affect the memory, Iron being the most important of them. Eating healthy food rich in these nutrients like, spinach, legumes, nuts, during pregnancy is very important, as the baby requires these nutrients to grow.

Last but not the least, the other factor responsible for post pregnancy memory loss in the moms is the fluctuation on the hormonal levels during pregnancy, birth, and lactation. The two most important hormones, Cortisol, which is a stress hormone and directly affects the hippocampi, two regions critical for memory functions and Oxytocin, which is a labor inducing and milk injection hormone, are released during labor and delivery. Therefore, more is the labor; more is the chances of these hormones being released, which ultimately damages the hippocampi.

Ways To Improve Memory - Both Now And Post-Pregnancy

In order to overcome this short-term post pregnancy memory loss, moms can use several techniques, which have shown considerable improvement in memory. Some of them have been given below:

  • Actively recall information while learning.
  • Periodically, review learned information.
  • Mnemonics

    Using the above-mentioned techniques will result in a positive affect on your mental as well as your overall well-being. However, this can be achieved only through consistent efforts. With a little practice and hard work, you will find yourself with a sharper mind even more than your pre pregnancy days.

    Post pregnancy memory loss is very common, which happens with lots of women. The causes of this can be many; however, there are ways to fight them in both pre pregnancy and post pregnancy life. For more information please visit pregnancy

    Copyright 2006 Dr. Eileen Silva

    "Conference calls are too expensive." "I don't have the money to attend the conference." "I can't afford to advertise." "I'm not making the money John (or whoever) is making, so I'm not able to do X, Y, Z."

    I've heard a lot of these comments during my twenty plus years in the business. Interestingly, most of them have been second-hand reports from other distributors, not in-person comments from the speaker. There seems to be a poverty-consciousness in some circles that fosters poverty-thinking through language rather than reality.

    We are all guilty of it occasionally, and it actually gives us an easy way to prevent excessive spending on frivolous things. I have routinely said I couldn't afford something that I simply did not want to spend the money on: a hotel suite, when a room would do, or another diamond necklace, when I already have several.

    My understanding of poverty-consciousness goes back to my days as a high school teacher almost thirty years ago. I coined a phrase then, based on observation: "You show me a kid with a $100-a-day drug habit, and I'll show you a kid who learns how to make $100 a day."

    Properly motivated people skip the limits on production. For example, mothers have been known to single-handedly lift cars when their child was pinned beneath the wheels.

    After noticing that even kids could come up with cash for whatever they wanted, almost without fail, I concluded that when people in America say they can't afford something, what they really mean is that you have not yet convinced them that they should part with their money for the object in question.

    You're probably wondering how there's a logical connection, and then a moral to the story, between a desperate rescuing mother or a teenager "needing" a fix, and you. Here it is! When you begin to focus on "why," you want to develop your business, and it becomes sufficiently compelling to get you past the normal objections of a skeptical distributor (like those three poverty mentality opening statements I quoted), then you will begin to creatively work around them. Then, you CAN and WILL succeed in this business!

    Just use other resources to overcome your deficit. For example: PROBLEM: "I don't have money for conference calls." SOLUTION: 1) Use a free conference line or realize that the calls cost just a few dollars monthly, but they will generate sales. One sale will more than pay for the month's phone bill; 2) Have your sponsor conference you in; 3) Obtain a tape of the calls.

    PROBLEM: "I don't have the money to attend the conference." SOLUTION: 1) Share a room to minimize expenses; 2) Earn extra money in advance by "thinking increase;" 3) Plan income-expanding business activities in conjunction with the conference.

    PROBLEM: "I can't afford to advertise." SOLUTION: 1) Co-op with downline; 2) Use flyers and inexpensive mediums, like emails; 3) "Trade" advertising for product or services.

    Remember: "Thoughts are things." When say you can't afford things, you are perpetuating your condition. Why not shift your perspective away from the poverty-mentality to a more empowering position? You will discover that you attract a lot more business. In this business, the law of attraction influences success. Become a confident businessperson, and great things will begin to happen.

    Remember that old expression, "The best things in life are free," because it still has merit. I received an unexpected call last night for a $350 retail order from a friend of someone who had met me two years ago and had recently shared with the caller about a product I had. His kind words didn't cost me a dime, yet they generated me a 40% profit on the order.

    Since you can do, be and have anything in life you really take a stand for, you are --- after all --- very rich in opportunity.


    Eileen Silva, Ph.D., N.D. is a metabolic health balancing expert, talk show guest, and lecturer. Dr. Silva is also an individual, group, and corporate weight management consultant. Contact Dr. Silva at

    The Lowdown On A Quick NY Divorce

    Every couple hopes their marriage lasts forever. But sadly, according to statistics, more than 40% of marriages in America end in divorce. When it comes to divorce, both parties prefer to get it over with as quickly as possible.

    There are basically 2 types of divorce - contested and uncontested. If you want a quick NY divorce then you may want to file for an uncontested divorce. Most people would opt for a quick NY divorce as it consumes less time and cost much less too.

    A simple uncontested quick NY divorce can be processed within a mere 30 days. A complex contested divorce action, involving custody dispute, valuation and property issues can take up to 3 years to complete. A quick New York divorce may differ in duration to divorces in other states. For example a fast divorce in SC will depend on that particular state's divorce laws.

    A simple uncontested quick NY divorce may cost anywhere from $250 to $2500, in addition to court fees, depending on whether an agreement has to be prepared. Court fees are incurred because you must purchase an Index Number and file a Request for Judicial Intervention when the divorce action is filed. The Index Number costs $170 and the filing fee for the Request for Judicial Intervention is $75.

    Where the divorce is contested, attorneys usually charge at an hourly rate. This rate can range from as low as $175 an hour for inexperienced attorneys to a whopping $450 an hour for the most experienced experts in the field. They usually require an advance retainer, which is an initial deposit against which you are billed.

    Divorce can be emotionally draining as well as financially burdensome. The end of a marriage often leaves women and children in poverty. Divorced women with children are four times more likely than married women to have an income that is under the poverty line. A single mom is nine times more likely than a married woman to have an income that is less than half the official poverty line. Divorce also results in a higher cost to society as a whole. According to one study, a single divorce can cost state and federal governments more than $30,000.

    The effects of divorce on children should also be considered. About half of all children will witness the breakup of a parent's marriage. Of these kids, nearly half will also witness a parent's second divorce. If there is a child involved, always get a specialized child custody attorney for the job. If the case is in New York, there is no point in hiring a San Diego child custody attorney.James Brooke loves to help people get on with their lives. He writes about law in simple layman terms and covers topics from how to get a quick NY divorce to tips on how to find a good Boulder child custody lawyer.

    Tetanus – Basic Information & Prevention

    Tetanus is a potentially fatal disease: it acts very quickly and often kills before the body's natural primary response can take place. There are about 1million cases of tetanus a year with between 300,000-500,000deaths. It is a global problem because tetanus spores, which cause the infection, are everywhere. However, due to vaccination programmes, tetanus is rare in the UK with only about 10 cases a year; the main problems are encountered in developing countries where vaccines may be too expensive and equipment may not be properly sterilised.

    Tetanus is caused by gram positive, obligate anaerobic bacteria: Clostridium tetani which affects skeletal muscles."Gram positive" means that the bacteria has a thick cell wall, while "obligate anaerobe" means that the bacteria can't survive in the presence of oxygen and survive using anaerobic respiration (without oxygen). The bacteria releases a neurotoxin called tetanospasmin which binds irreversibly to neurones; these are nerve cells that carry waves of electrical activity, known as nerve impulses. When the toxin binds to the neurone it prevents the inhibition of the motor reflex response to sensory stimuli. The motor reflex response is a rapid response to a stimulus, for example the knee jerk is a motor reflex response to tapping a specific nerve, and in this case it prevents us from falling over. However the toxin stops the nerve from suppressing the movement once the stimuli has gone so the movement continues as a muscle spasm which is characteristic of tetanus.


    Bacterium Clostridium tetani.
    Contamination of a puncture wound, e.g.: a piercing.
    Ear infections as bacteria may enter through ear.
    Using unsterile equipment in surgery or other similarly invasive procedures such as tattooing and body piercing.

    Tetanus is associated with rust which is a little misleading. You are not infected by the rust itself it's just that rust is a rough surface which makes a very good habitat for the endospores of C.tetani. Therefore if you suffer a puncture wound from a rusty object such as a nail, endospores might be delivered into the wound and then you become infected. Endospores are non-metabolising structures that metabolise and cause infection once they are in an adequate environment. Since this bacterium is an obligate anaerobe it can't live in the presence of oxygen, but a puncture wound is a good environment because it is a low oxygen environment.
    The disease is common in areas with hot, damp climates that have soil rich in organic matter, or places where soil is treated with manure. This is because the spores of C.tetani are widely distributed in the intestines of animals such as horses, rats, sheep, cattle, dogs and chickens, and therefore are present in manure. Spores can also be found on skin surfaces and in contaminated heroin.
    The incubation period for tetanus is usually between 3 and 21 days, so it may be a while before you are aware that you are infected, especially if the site of contamination was a small cut that you were hardly aware of, such as a thorn prick. The further from the central nervous system the contaminated wound is the longer the incubation period. However, the shorter the incubation period the higher the chance of death. Normally symptoms are present after 8 days and they last between 4-6weeks.
    Firstly muscle spasms occur near the wound
    Muscle spasm spread to the jaw making it difficult to swallow or open your mouth, hence the name lockjaw
    Muscle spasms spread to the face, neck, chest, stomach wall, arms and legs.
    Sensitivity to touch
    High fever
    Sore throat
    Rapid heart beat
    General tiredness and weakness
    Can't pass urine
    Difficulty with breathing due to chest muscle spasms and lockjaw
    Bleeding into the bowels

    Direct causes of death include:
    Blood poisoning
    Cardiac arrest (heart attack)
    Kidney failure

    Development of pneumonia and other infections
    Fractures of long bones due to severe muscle contractions
    Spinal compression fractures
    Breathing problems

    People who are most at risk are:
    Over 60s as the vaccine was introduced in the 1960s so they may not be properly immunised
    People who aren't immunised or have not had the full vaccination course (tetanus occurs almost exclusively in people who are unvaccinated or inadequately immunised.)
    Those who live in poverty where vaccines may not be available or medical treatment is not adequate and equipment isn't properly sterilised.
    Intravenous drug users.

    There are four different types of tetanus:
    Local Tetanus. This is a persistent contraction of the muscles in the same areas as the infected wound. This form is generally mild, but also uncommon.
    Cephalic Tetanus. This is a rare form which involves cranial nerves especially in the facial area affecting expressions, breathing and swallowing. It can affect adults with head injuries or children with ear infections as the bacteria enter through the ear.
    Generalised Tetanus. This is the most common form accounting for about 80% of cases. The first sign is lockjaw (trismus) and facial spasms (risus sadonicus) followed by a stiff neck, difficulty in swallowing and rigidity in the pectoral and calf muscles. Spasms occur frequently and last several minutes shaping the body into a characteristic posture of an arched and rigid back called opisthotonos. The spasms last for 3-4 weeks and it can take months for a complete recovery.
    Neonatal Tetanus. This is generalised tetanus that occurs in newborn babies. They are infected because they haven't obtained passive immunity from their mother because she wasn't immunised. It occurs through the infection of the unhealed umbilical stump, especially if it is cut by unsterilised equipment. Also in some countries it is traditional to put manure on the umbilical stump which can lead to infection. In developing countries this form is responsible for 14% of neonatal deaths but it is rare in developed countries.

    You can do blood tests for tetanus but it takes a number of weeks for the body's antibodies to appear in the blood and since tetanus can act quite quickly waiting for blood test results takes too long; a diagnosis is often made on clinical basis. This can usually be diagnosed by the characteristic lockjaw and prolonged muscle contractions of skeletal muscle fibres. Also a spatula test can be done which involves touching the pharynx, which is at the back of the mouth, with a soft-tipped, sterile instrument and observing the results. If there is an involuntary contraction of the jaw, making the person bite down on the spatula then the test is positive and the person has tetanus. A negative result would be a normal gag reflex reaction as the person tries to repel the foreign object from their mouth.
    If you suspect that you might be at risk to tetanus you should seek medical help immediately. The wound should be washed clean to remove any dirt and foreign particles from the wound. If it is a particularly dirty or severe wound then dead and infected tissue may be removed by surgery debridement (this involves cutting away the dead tissue). 
    In mild cases:
    Antibiotics such as metronidazole can be prescribed to fight the anaerobic bacteria. It reduces the number of bacteria present but it has no effect on the toxin that the bacteria produce. If metronidazole isn't available penicillin may be prescribed but it is not as effective. If you aren't sure when you had your last tetanus vaccine or have not had a complete course of immunisation then you may be given a booster shot, however this will not prevent potentially fatal cases of tetanus as it takes up to 2 weeks to develop tetanus antibodies to fight the bacteria. Diazepam, also known as valium, can be given as a muscle relaxant.
    Passive immunisation with anti-tetanospasmin immunoglobulin is vital. Immunoglobulins are antibodies and form part of the body's immune response. In this case the immunoglobulin used is an antitoxin which means it blocks the toxins released by bacteria. The antibodies are taken from blood donors who have recently been vaccinated against tetanus and inserted into a vein or muscle (intravenously or intramuscular injections). These provide immediate protection, however they are only temporary because it is a form of artificial passive immunity and the body's own immune cells haven't produced the antibodies so memory cells aren't made therefore if there is a second exposure then the body will still have to make its own antibodies which take time. Also the body regards the donated antibodies as foreign and they are removed from the circulation and destroyed in the liver and spleen.
    In severe cases:
    This must be treated in an intensive care unit in hospital. Injecting immunoglobulins is important as it increases clinical improvement from 4 to 35%. Maintaining an open airway is vital; in some cases a tracheostomy is performed which involves creating a hole in the neck through to the windpipe and inserting a tube in to allow you to keep breathing freely although your mouth or throat may be blocked higher up, you may be supported on mechanical ventilation for 3-4weeks. In very severe cases the patient may have to be paralysed and supported on mechanical ventilation.
    Magnesium can be given as intravenous injection as this prevents muscle spasms, diazepam may also be given as it is a muscle relaxant.  
    Proper nutrition is required: 3500-4000 calories are needed every day with at least 150g of protein a day. The amount must be so high because of the increased metabolic strain caused by the increased muscle activity of spasms. It can often be given in liquid form through tubes directly into the stomach or through a drip into a vein.
    The best prevention against tetanus is proper immunisation as tetanus occurs almost exclusively in people who are unvaccinated or inadequately immunised. In the UK the vaccination is included in children's vaccination programmes and is part of the combined diphtheria/tetanus/polio/haemophilus influenza b vaccine. For adults and teenagers it is included in the tetanus/diphtheria/polio vaccine. The vaccination course involves 5 doses of vaccinations: the primary course is given as 3 separate doses each a month apart, normally it is given to babies, starting when they are two months old, but it can be given to adults as well. In children the fourth dose is given three years after their primary course, in adults it is administered ten years after the primary course. Finally the fifth dose is given ten years after the fourth. The primary course provides protection for a number of years while the fourth and fifth doses maintain this protection and should last a life-time. Vaccinations inject a small amount of dead or harmless bacteria into the blood, which the body recognises as foreign. The body's immune system then produces antibodies to destroy these foreign particles and at the same time memory cells are made so that if there is a second exposure (if you actually were infected by tetanus) your immune response would be much quicker and more effective. After the vaccine it is normal to feel slightly unwell with symptoms including mild headache, aching muscles and mild fever which last a few days. You should not have the vaccine if you already have an illness causing a fever or if your last tetanus vaccination caused a severe reaction although this is very rare. It is safe to have the vaccine if you are pregnant or breast feeding.

    For more information click here

    It’s Baby Shower Time!

    Baby Shower invitations are sent out for, surprise, surprise, baby showers. All kidding outside, a lot of people, especially young people generate a puzzled look at the thought of an invitation to a baby shower. After all, why would everyone want to be invited to a baby shower? What's so special about getting some soap and suds and getting clean in the shower? Funnily enough, a lot of young children think that's what a baby shower is. In reality, a baby shower is a special party in which current parents or expectant parents receive a smattering of gifts for their newborn or expected child. It helps if ultra-sound has revealed the gender of the baby prior to the party. Otherwise, gifts could be mismatched to the gender. So, to be absolutely clear, it extremely closely related to a bridal shower and has nothing at all to do with washing babies. Baby showers also serve the purpose of reducing the budgetary requirements of the soon-to-be baby because other parents chip in and buy items for the baby like clothes. Some countries don't celebrate until the baby is actually born, but it has a long and rich history in the United States of occurring prior to birth. Some believe that bad luck happens to those that host pre-birth baby showers and others believe it is a strictly private affair involving just the closest group of tight-knit relatives, colleagues, and confidantes. Whatever the practices revolving around it, America has a proud history and heritage of hosting them for mothers-to-be. Plus, it's a way for the bride's friends to be introduced to the husband of the bride in an informal setting away from a lot of his male friends - at home, in a natural mode.

    Baby Shower invitations sometimes include a list of the activities to be performed like baby shower bingo, birth date or sex guessing, pregnant belly girth guessing, baby food flavor guessing, diaper throw games with treats and prizes to eat out of the (clean) diapers, opening the gifts in front of all the other guests, and serving the cake or beverages. It's inadvisable, inappropriate, and downright irresponsible to bring alcohol - either in the form of champagne, beer, or even red wine. Alcohol is bad for the baby. Call it bad taste. Pun intended.

    What do Baby Shower invitations look like and describe?

    Baby Shower invitations give the name of the person to be honored, name of the occasion, and the day, date, time, location, and hosts' names. Sometimes, it's hosted by grandma, the husband, or a close friend.

    Baby Showers can be a special time for moms to share tips, gifts, prospects for their children-to-be, and laughs too!

    Jeff Fain is an author for Dependable Printing. Please visit Dependable Printing for a great selection of wedding invitations, contemporary wedding invitations, baby shower invitations, party invitations, and much more.

    The 8 Habits of Highly Miserable and Unhealthy People

    "If you can't be a good example then you'll just have to be a terrible warning." - Catherine Aird

    Don't you just love that quote? I thought I'd start off this article by making you laugh as laughter is still the best medicine.
    I'm also certain that many of you when growing up heard the following phrase from one or both of your parents: "Do as I say, not as I do," right? I know I did and I believe it was a way for my mother to try and get me to not copy any of her bad habits or behaviors as she wanted a better life for me.

    In this week's article, I want to pass along 8 ‘Don'ts" for you concerning managing your weight and overall health and well-being. 7 of these "Don'ts" came from Dr. Mitra Ray whom I heard speak at a International Juice Plus® Nutritional Conference with my added comments after the initial step. I can guarantee that if you follow them, you'll definitely end up being a very miserable unhealthy person!

    1. Do not take tips from healthy people. If a healthy person tries to tell you about how they've gotten to be so healthy, do not take any advice from them. I mean, seriously, what do they know? They're only living their life full of zest and vitality which is something you can't possible want… or is it?
    2. Do not move around very much. Sit on your butt as much as you can. Heaven forbid you use the stairs to reach your office. That's why they invented elevators and escalators for, right? And definitely don't walk to the corner store for a loaf of bread. Burn a half-gallon of gas, pollute the air and get zero exercise and take your car.
    3. Do not drink any water. Stick to coffee, soda, and alcohol. Do not let precious water touch your lips and rehydrate your system. It doesn't matter that the human body is made up of over 60% water and that it's a vital ingredient to keeping your skin clear, brain sharp and your organs functioning properly. You can always get a few spare brain cells at your local convenience store when you've driven there to get your bread, right?
    4. Do not sleep much and, of course, do not participate in any meditation, yoga, or self-hypnosis. Sleep is highly overrated, isn't it. I mean, seriously, if you can't function on 4 hours of zzz's and 8 large cups of coffee the next morning, then there's something wrong with you! Plus everyone knows that there's no truth to the rumor that practicing meditation or taking a yoga class can reduce high blood pressure and release stress from your over-taxed body. And that self-hypnosis thing? Yeah, right. It ‘might' work for some people who use it as a highly effective tool to lose weight or break a bad habit, but hey, you're not ‘some' people. You're special!

    5. Do not take any time out for yourself - just burn yourself out as fast as you can. Hey, you only have 24 hours in a day so you might as well fill them up with as much activity as you can. Forget sleep - that's for those weak people who like to be clear-headed in the morning. Plus you have to work 10 hours a day; make sure your house is spotless in case someone drops by unannounced; throw dinner on the table at 6:00 pm; run Jane to soccer practice and drop Johnny off at hockey; oh, and there's 4 loads of laundry that need to be done before you go to bed, and… the list goes on. Make sure you cram as many things on your ‘To Do' list for one day and then try to get them all done in 24 hours. Good luck with that!
    6. Keep all expensive bad habits such as alcohol use, cigarette use, and illegal drug use. Hey, you don't want to live much past 60 anyway, right? Or maybe you're in a race to see if you can kick the bucket before you're 50? Keep chugging down those martinis's and cases of beer like they were water (see # 3 on that substance!). While you're at it, make certain that you smoke at least a pack of unfiltered cigarettes a day - great stuff for your lungs. And if you're into illegal drugs to numb your system, way to go. If I were you I'd call my local funeral parlor and tell them you'll be seeing them really soon.
    7. Do not eat fruits and vegetables. Hey, this step is way too easy. Just fill your plate with a mound of greasy food and ignore anything that contains natural vitamins and nutrients. And as far as snacks go, just grab a bag of potato chips or 4 or 5 cookies and you're all set. I'd definitely drop this one as it just makes too much sense.
    8. Be critical of everybody who is trying to improve their life in any way. Pfft… who do they think they are anyway? Imagine! Cutting back on fats and red meat consumption… eating vegetables 3 times a day… and drinking a few extra glasses of water per day. Oh, and get this: they actually are meditating twice a day AND they're using self-hypnosis plus positive affirmation CDs to keep them motivated and on track! Ha! So, they'll live longer and they claim to feel better as well - big deal. Who wants to be like them anyhow? Nah, not me.
    Or do I?
    Food for thought.

    For more information click here

    Hidden Cholesterol in "Healthy" Foods

    With more women growing concerned about their overall health, this often means taking steps to watch and limit their cholesterol intake, which when not lowered, can set them up for a variety of disease conditions.

    Cholesterol is one part of the diet that can sneak in quite easily as it's not usually visible to the naked eye. While you can clearly see a thick chunk of fat on the side of your steak, in other foods it's not this obvious so learning the worst cholesterol offenders in the diet is time very well spent.

    Here are the top cholesterol-rich foods that you need to work at avoiding.

    Baked Goods

    Typically the worst offenders on the baked goods food list will be cookies, sponge cakes, cream puffs, and other cream or custard filled donuts. These all contain around 100 mg of cholesterol each and often you'll eat more than just a single serving in a sitting.

    Other baked goods can also be quite high in cholesterol depending on how they are made, so your best bet is to avoid these altogether. Not only are they going to be high in cholesterol, but they are also going to be quite high in calories as well, so that alone, even if they were lower in cholesterol, should be a good reason to avoid them.

    Fish and Fish Products

    While fish is typically thought to be one of the healthier protein sources, this isn't always 100% true. If you choose the wrong type of fish, rather than getting a nice lean source of protein, you're getting protein that's filled with heart disease-promoting cholesterol.

    Mollusc or squid are the worst offenders here, coming in at over 500 mg of cholesterol per serving. Shrimp also pack a cholesterol punch, as do crayfish, lobster, and crab.

    Your best bet is to stick with white fish such as cod, salmon, tilapia, or perch. They will still contain some cholesterol, but it will be much less.


    Poultry is another meat that is thought to be leaner but again, if you aren't watching the type you're taking in, you could be getting much more cholesterol than you bargained for.

    The highest cholesterol containing poultry foods include chicken, goose, and duck liver, so stay away from those.

    After that, the other ones to watch for are the giblets of poultry. If you typically consume breasts or thigh on the other hand, then you should be okay as long as you take the time to cut off any visible skin or fat.

    Dairy Foods

    Dairy foods are probably the most common that has been linked to high cholesterol levels and for good reason. Egg yolks will be your worst offenders, which you may have already suspected.

    After eggs, then you also need to concern yourself with full fat milk or cheese, as they contain very high amounts of saturated fat which can also raise cholesterol levels.

    Provided you do make the effort to consume skim or 1% milk and cheese, you should have no problem consuming dairy products on a cholesterol-lowering diet in effort to get in your needed protein and calcium. Processed Meats Another important group of foods to watch out for you in your quest to lower the cholesterol in your diet are processed meats.

    Of particular importance is any type of pate, which tops the list for cholesterol. Also beware of sausage, ham, pastrami, cured beef, and other processed sandwich meats.

    Always double check that you read the label before purchasing these, as you will help safeguard yourself from purchasing one that contains an overabundance of cholesterol.

    So be sure you keep these points in mind. You don't necessarily have to avoid cholesterol if you are currently healthy, but you should always be watching to be sure you're maintaining the right cholesterol profile (good versus bad).

    The more often you can consume polyunsaturated and unsaturated fats in your diet, the better chances you'll have of tilting the scales in your favour, so be sure you start making a conscious effort to pay more attention to where the fat in your diet is coming from.


    Vianesa Vargas of Take Care Project Inc brings wellness products to help busy moms to be their very best. Find informative exercise/nutrition tips and articles on a wide range of topics for mom on Vianesa's Transforming the Balanced Mom Blog and Drop by Facebook to see the weekly Q&A call schedule. Don't forget to sign up for the Take Care newsletter - filled with information moms won't see anywhere else.

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    MINIPACK-TORRE is a company leading the way in the very latest cutting edge patented packaging machines, with more than 30 years experience and operating on a global scale. With innovations covering the shrink wrap, vacuum and stretch sectors, this company has designed its products for use in a huge variety of business categories. Not only have MINIPACK-TORRE teamed with the worlds leading shrink film manufacturers (CRYOVAC) but they also revolutionised the shrink wrapping industry with the production of the chamber machine.

    MINIPACK-TORRE excels beyond its nearest competitors by providing its customers with "The Difference". This includes providing Risk Assessment documentation with every machine, energy saving solutions, saving £250 per year and a 3-year guarantee on every product. Staff are fully qualified with years of experience, and the after care support is unrivalled, being designed for total customer satisfaction. Prices are highly competitive, direct to the user, meaning MINIPACK-TORRE will provide the ìbest whole of life priceî.

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    The printing and retail industries perhaps are amongst those that will benefit most from shrink wrapping. With an in house chamber machine and shrink wrap film , it is possible to maintain pack integrity and security regardless of the shape or size. This also presents the opportunity to change promotional codes and discounts of packaging on a weekly basis. This gives you, the customer, heightened control over the way you wish to operate your business.

    So if you are part of the vast and expanding packaging industry, and require only the most sophisticated and unique style of packaging there should be only one website in the forefront of your mind,

    For further information visit

    Beyond Reasonable Doubt and Habit: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

    There is nothing wrong if you believe that wearing your favorite lucky dress on the day of your job interview will give you the confidence that you need to make a good impression. The same is true when your mother always checks the flat iron or oven before leaving for work. Many of us have little superstitions and rituals that help us to become productive and produce positive results. However, when these 'rituals' are taken to extremes and begin to affect normal daily function, it becomes a problem.
    When you start feeling that something will really go wrong simply because you are not wearing your favorite lucky shirt; and that you feel you have to wear it to prevent something from going wrong --- you may already be obsessed with that shirt. When your mother has to return home even if she's already outside the door just to check if the flat iron was unplugged when she already did that three times before --- she, too, could be suffering from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, or OCD.

    OCD is a mental health condition that creates a strong sense of uncertainty, doubt, anxiety, or fear in a person's mind and triggers rituals like re-checking and re-doing. Although sometimes, everyone may feel anxious, fearful, or worried, these normal emotions and reactions help people protect themselves, stay safe, and solve problems. These feelings usually don't last long and don't come too often. In the case of people with obsessive-compulsive disorder, these feelings are taken to extremes as if the brain does not recognize what's dangerous from what's not. There is a constant and lingering stream of fear, doubt or anxiety in the person's mind, instead of keeping normal worry under control.
    OCD is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts, known as obsessions, and repetitive behaviors, also called compulsions or 'rituals'. People with OCD are pre-occupied with persistent thoughts that bring fear or worry about something that might happen. These negative thoughts and images are usually hard to shake off. They have strong urges to perform these rituals or repetitive behaviors such as handwashing, counting, checking, or cleaning with the hope of preventing or getting rid of obsessive negative thoughts. The obsessions and compulsions are sometimes related to each other. A person who worries (obsession) about germs and about getting sick could have the urges (compulsions) to wash hands or clean things often and repeatedly. They are too cautious to touch anything due to fear of germs.
    There are times when the compulsions or the 'rituals' doesn't have anything to do with the obsessions or fear. For example, if things on the desk are not arranged properly, something bad will happen to a loved one. the oddity of the rituals and fear are so obvious that many people try to keep their OCD to themselves. When people with OCD perform a compulsion or 'ritual', they feel a sense of relief. Unfortunately, performing these so-called 'rituals' only provides temporary relief, but significantly increases the anxiety or the obsession. Resisting compulsion can be extremely difficult.

    Although doctors and scientists still don't know the real cause of OCD, recent research has shown that OCD is related to levels of a normal chemical in the brain called serotonin. When the proper flow of serotonin is blocked, the brain's "alarm system" overreacts and misinterprets information. Instead of the brain filtering out these unnecessary thoughts, the mind dwells on them and irrational fear and doubt is experienced by the person.

    There is a strong evidence that OCD can be hereditary. Most people with OCD have one or more family members having anxiety disorders influenced by the brain's serotonin levels. For this reason, scientists have come to believe that the tendency or predisposition for a person to develop the serotonin imbalance that causes OCD can be inherited through a person's genes. However, having the genetic tendency doesn't mean people will develop OCD right away. It only means that chances are greater that they might. An imbalance of serotonin levels can also result in other types of anxiety or depression. Like any other illness, having OCD is not a person's fault. The good news is, it can be treated with the help from a Psychologist or Psychiatrist. There is nothing to be embarrassed about getting therapy treatments and counseling from a psychologist or psychiatrist. A type of talk therapy called cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) offers specific methods, called exposure and ritual (or response) prevention that helps people to learn to use the power of their own behavior to change their thoughts and feelings for the better. CBT actually helps "reset" the brain's mechanisms that trigger obsessions and compulsions. It may seem hard to stop doing rituals at first but eventually,people will begin to feel safe and stronger about dealing with their obsessions and compulsions.

    To read about smoking and breastfeeding and breast implants gone wrong, visit the Breast Discomfort site.