Friday, 26 August 2011

Foods That Promote Weight Loss - Vegetables

Many of us take vegetables for granted with no real consideration for the good they can do for our bodies. Indeed, the sad fact is that a considerable proportion of us encompass a pretty poor opinion of vegetables when, in truth, they are one of the most excellent foods that promote weight loss accessible to us. The fact is, the greater the amount of vegetables you eat, the better it will be if you genuinely want to lose weight by shedding fat!

The general rule for vegetables is they are high in nutrients and minerals, yet light in saturated fats and sugars, making them a terrific day-to-day added sustenance to the human body. This makes them just the right thing to consume if you aspire to purge your body of surplus fat. Every of the diverse range of different vegetables offers it's own blend of nutrients that can provide us with the energy we need for our daily routine, keep our body in top shape and a give us a greater resistance to diseases as it boosts our immune system.

The exceptions to the general rule are the starchy vegetables like potatoes, yams, beets and sweet potatoes. These vegetables are packed with carbohydrates, and are best eaten in moderation.

Here are just a few stars of the vegetable world.

1. Cauliflower is rich in minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium and sodium; as well as vitamins A, C and B6.

2. Squash is celebrated around the world for being a rich source of Vitamin A which is very good for your eyesight.

3. Carrots are also well known for aiding eyesight. They derive their colour from Beta Carotene, which your body converts into Vitamin A, which as well as it's beneficial effects on our eyesight, is known to fight and limit the growth of cancer cells in our bodies.

4. Green Peppers are packed with Vitamin C and anti-ageing antioxidants.

5. Mushrooms are practically the only vegetable that can give you the much-needed Vitamin D. Usually we get Vitamin D from sunlight, but if you don't want to get sunburned by staying outside too long, try eating mushrooms instead!

6. Spinach is rich in Vitamin K, as are other dark-leafy vegetables. Vitamin K plays an important role in blood clotting, as well as regulating blood calcium levels to keep your bones at peak condition.

7. Lima Beans are an excellent source of Vitamin B9, more commonly known as folic acid, recommended for pregnant women.

You can eat large amounts of leafy green vegetables without putting on weight, and vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower and carrots are all rich in nutrients. Make a point of eating a large green leafy salad every day, including mustard or collard greens, kale, bok choy, cabbage, radish or spinach. Find space for cucumber and celery which, being almost entirely water, give you the added benefit of keeping you hydrated with very few extra calories.

Many vegetables are best eaten raw and fresh to get the full benefit of all the vitamins and minerals they are packed with. However, if you wish to cook them, steaming is always preferrable to boiling. Boiling breaks down many of the nutrients before you get a chance to eat them. If possible you should aim to eat around a pound of these wonderful foods that promote weight loss each day to stay fit and healthy without gaining weight.

For more information click here

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