Friday, 26 August 2011

God's Way To Prosper


Unfortunately I have to start this article with a caveat: I AM NOT A SCAMMER, NOR IS THIS A SCAM! My name is Bill and I live in Alabama. My full name and phone number is revealed once you get to my web site. This letter is lengthy because I have to break through the negative mindsets we have against being wealthy.

God is truly talking to me about financial gain and prosperity, not only for me, but for the entire Christian Body, or at least those who are willing. I am not making this up just to get you involved in some scam. I am giving you the knowledge to prosper. You can either choose to at least listen, or pass it by. I have done my part by inviting you!

Answer this question very honestly: DO YOU WANT FINANCIAL PROSPERITY?
If you honestly said No, then you don't have to read any further. If you honestly said YES, you are in for a eye opening experience, and should continue reading.

As Your Soul Propers!

One of the ways our adversary the devil has been successful in hindering the growth of the Lord's Kingdom is by stripping the church of two forms of power, Spiritual Power (Holy Ghost) and Natural- Worldly Power (money and wealth). This letter deals only with the issue money and wealth.
The enemy, just as mentioned in Mathew 13 about the wheat and tares, has sown through false teachings, a mindset of poverty within the church. Some even take a "vow of poverty". What kind of testimony to our God is that? Jesus became poor, so we can be rich. (2 Cor 8:9) That word "rich" means "wealthy"; be increased with goods. He did not say only "Spiritually" rich. He did not stipulate only certain types of riches. He said, "so that YOU MIGHT BE RICH"! The word "might" in this verse invokes a "choice" on our part.

One of the most misunderstood scriptures regarding wealth is 1 Tim 6:10 about "the love of money" being the root of all evil. But, a little word study would show us that the three word term, "love of money" is one word in the Greek, "philargaria". In English, this word is translated "avarice". defines this word as: ("insatiable greed for riches; inordinate, miserly desire to gain and hoard wealth").
Just because someone wants more money, does not mean they are "avarice". I'm not, are you? Of course not! Because of misunderstandings like that, Christians have become fearful of the terms "FINANCIAL RICHES and WEALTH". Let me say that again, "RICHES and WEALTH"! If those two words bother you, than you are not alone. Many brothers and sisters quiver at those words. But, Oprah, Ted Turner, Bill Gates, or Waren Buffet don't have any problem with those words. Why do we????

Did you know that it is God's intent for Christians to be prosperous. That is part of the statement, "be fruitful and multiply". He has never intended for the righteous to be begging for bread. Above all, He wants us to prosper as our soul prospers. This deals with prosperity in all the areas of life, spirit, soul, and body. He says, "PROSPER AS YOUR SOUL PROSPERS"!

Our Souls prosper through knowledge, through learning. Learning God's way will always prosper us in all areas of our life. The Church has become afraid of the very term "RICH". Yet in Luke 6:38 it says; "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again". (KJV) If you apply some word study to this verse you will see that it means, "packed and pressed down as in a basket bulging at the seams, so it could not hold any more". (my paraphrase). That Brother and Sister is WEALTH! There are many, many more scriptures that deal with the prosperity of God's people. He is giving us the knowledge to prosper financially. It follows the simple Biblical principles of sowing and reaping, seed time and harvest, giving and receiving. HOW SIMPLE IS THAT?

Why does God (Yahweh) want his people to be wealthy and without lack? There are many reasons. One is to get his people out of debt. Another is to get the poor amongst us un-poor (if there is such a word). Wouldn't these be great testimonies of God's greatness? Thirdly, wealth is to be used as a tool to help build his Kingdom here on earth. Remember, IT IS NOT WRONG TO WANT FINANCIAL STABILITY and have the means to provide good things to your children, and to those in need.

2 Tim 2:6 says that the husbandmen (that is you and me) are the first partakers of the fruit. Meaning the blessings from our toil fills both our basket (daily needs and wants) and our store (future needs, emergencies, retirement, etc).; with GREAT ABUNDANCE left over. God is providing us with the KNOWLEDGE TO PROSPER.

Most people looking for more money will look for another job. Maybe a full time job and two part time jobs. That, people of God, is "Old School Thinking". The New School says, "GET A SYSTEM"!

The knowledge to prosper financially is in a wealth producing "system" (or WEALTH GENERATOR as I like to call it) If you believe you are being moved into a place of GREATER FINANCES, do yourself a big favor and go to my web site: and click on the "DARE TO PROSPER" link. Or simply go to this site: ; enter your "correct" information, and I will send you a short informational email. At the bottom of that email you will have a link to the front office of this AWESOME BIBLE BASED financial wealth system. FREE TO REVIEW; NO COMMITMENTS! I'm serious about that!

"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth". (3 John 1:2 KJV)

I Hope to see you there!


For more information click here

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